Inglês, perguntado por 76345464, 11 meses atrás

coloque as frases na forma negativa:
a) She says he's handsome.
b) They love each other.
c) I want to buy a new bag for me.
d) We need some pieces here.
e) It plays all day long With that bone.
f) I have to do my homework.
g) We like to read books for children.
h)They want to give a party.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por 11234543211
a) She doesn't say he's handsome
b) They don't love each other
c) I don't want to buy a new bag for me ou I don't want to buy me a new bag
d) We don't need some pieces here
e) It doesn't play all day long with that bone
f) I don't have to do my homework
g) We don't like to eras books for children
h) They don't want to give a party

76345464: obgd
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