Inglês, perguntado por lohanapaula176, 3 meses atrás

coloque as frases abaixo nas formas interrogativa e negativa do verbo to have.
a) Leonardo has a large collection of magazine.
b) A butterfly has day habits
c) Moths have night habits
d) Students have a large number of obligations.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por diegosikeira



a) Leonardo has a large collection of magazine.

INT_ Does Leonardo have a large collection of magazine?

NEG_ Leonardo doesn't (does not) have a large collection of magazine.

b) A butterfly has day habits

INT_ Does A butterfly have day habits?

NEG_ A butterfly doesn't (does not) have day habits

c) Moths have night habits

INT_ Do Moths have night habits?

NEG_ Moths don't (do not) have night habits.

d) Students have a large number of obligations.​

INT_ Do Students have a large number of obligations.

NEG_ Students don't (do not) have a large number of obligations


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