Inglês, perguntado por Shakalee, 1 ano atrás

Coloque as frases abaixo na formas negativa e interrogativa e traduza a a afirmativa:


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Anacrs2



She is going to meet you at school

Ela vai te encontrar na escola

She is not going to meet you at school.

Is she going to meet you at school?

I am going to work hard tomorrow

Eu vou trabalhar duro amanhã

I am not going to work hard tomorrow

Am I going to work hard tomorrow?

They are going to travel next year

Eles vão viajar ano que vem

They are not going to travel next year

Are they going to travel next year?

It is going to cost 47 dollar to fix the car

Vai custar 47 dolars para consertar o carro

It is not going to cost 47 dollars to fix the car

Is it going to cost 47 dollars to fix the car?

We are going to take the children tp the park

Nós vamos levar as crianças para o parque.

We are not going to take the children to the park

Are we going to take the children to the park?

The girls are going to talk with you

As meninas vão falar com você

The girls are not going to talk with you

the girls are going to talk with you?

We are going to arrive on time

Nós vamos chegar a tempo

We are not going to arrive on time

Are we going to arrive on time?

The bus is going to leave at 10 o'clock

O ônibus vai sair às 10 horas

the bus is not going to leave at 10 o'clock

Is the bus leaving at 10 o'clock?

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