Inglês, perguntado por meajudapf75, 9 meses atrás

CNA Gold 2 unit 7 168


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rafaghn

1 - if i hadn't gotten married and had children at a young age, i would have tried to make a living abroad

2 - if you had told me you were coming to town, i would have invited you to stay at my place

3 - if you had stuck to the plan, we might have won

4 - if she hadn't had a lot of support from her family, she wouldn't have made it into the business world

5 - if i had studied the language before traveling, my experience abroad would have been better

todas as alternativas estão na third conditional, quando a oração subordinada (oração do if) está no passado perfeito (had + particípio), e a oração principal tem "would have" (numa das opções usou "might have", porque o "might" já tem mesmo sentido de "would", de estar no futuro do pretérito e a frase pedia "possibilidade" que é o que o might representa)

esse third conditional é usado para falar de situações no passado, de como elas seriam se tivessem acontecido algo diferente, uma condição diferente

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