Cna expansion 2, Unit 7, page 199, activity 5 e 6

Soluções para a tarefa
1. James Cameron
2. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
3. Edward Munch
4. Oscar Niemeyer
5. Luis Camões
6. Angelina Jolie
7. Elvis Presley
8. Thomas Edison
Atividade 5
1. It was directed by James Cameron.
2. It was wrote by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
3. It was painted by Edward Munch.
4. It was designed by Oscar Niemeyer.
5. It was wrote by Luiz de Camões.
6. It was played by Angelina Jolie.
7. It was first recorded by Elvis Presley.
8. It was invented by Thomas Edison.
Atividade 6
1. A - The sculpture on Red Square was vandalized.
B - That's crazy! Any ideas who was involved to it?
A - Not yet. Many inquires were made, but nothing was found yet.
2. A - Have you heard that the old downtow area was renovated?
B - Really! That's great! I saw that some of the old buildings were already knocked down.
A - That's right! The Church was already painted too.
A - Oh, no, that building could not renovate. It as completely destroyed during last month's thunderstorms. There's just a pile of concret left.
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