Inglês, perguntado por anagastao, 9 meses atrás

(Classroom, por favor me ajudem)
1- I am the world’s most popular sport. I have 2 different names. I am a team sport. Men and women play me. Every 4 years there is the World Cup. There are many competitions in each country, in Europe, Asia etc. *

A) Soccer

B) Basketball

C) Baseball

2- I am one of the most popular sports in Japan. I am a team sport. My sport has bases. I am played with a white ball. You have to run around all my four bases to get one point. My games are divided into innings.

A) Soccer

B) Basketball

C) Baseball

3. Assinale a alternativa que indica corretamente a estrutura de uma frase com adjetivo comparativo. *

A) Substantivo + adjetivo comparativo +verbo + than + substantivo

B) Adjetivo comparativo + substantivo + than + verbo + substantivo

C) Substantivo + verbo + adjetivo comparativo + than + substantivo

D) Substantivo + adjetivo comparativo + than + substantivo

E) Verbo + substantivo + than + substantivo

4. As frases com adjetivos superlativos possuem a seguinte estrutura: Substantivo + verbo + the + adjetivo superlativo + substantivo. *



5. Assinale a frase que expõem corretamente a escrita dos adjetivos comparativos e o superlativos regulares de uma sílaba. *

A) Tall - Tallier / Tallest

B) Big - Bigge / Biggst

C) Fat - Fatter / Fattest

6. A oração "Ana is the most important person in my life, and Joana is more important than Kaio." está escrita corretamente. *



7. Complete: This is the ______ expensive hotel that I found. *

A) Least

B) Less

C) The less

D) The least

8. Complete: Jean is ____________ in the classroom. 

A) The oldest

B) Old

C) The older

D) Older

E) Oldest

9. Complete a frase “The teacher is ____________the doctor” com o comparativo de superioridadedo adjetivo interesting. 

A) the interestingest.

B) the most interesting.

C) more interesting than.

D) interestinger than.

10. Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja empregandoincorretamente os graus dos adjetivos. 

A) Can Bob run as fast as Jack?

B) A table is usually less heavy than a chair.

C) Portuguese is the lest difficulter subject I have.

D) She was the most popular than girl in school.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por unicorniovoador36

1- a)

2- c)

3- e)

4- falso

5- c)

6- verdadeiro

7- b)

8- a)

9- c)

10- c)

guisonicferreira13: 4 é verdadeira
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