Inglês, perguntado por JOSEZINHOGAMER, 1 ano atrás

Classifique as frases a seguir em Simple Present,Simple Past,Simple Future ,Going to future e Present Continuous: 1-It's gonna be a perfect day. 2-I thought I had you there. 4-Scary monsters don't have plaque. 5-We warm your home. 6-Every time you turn something on. 7-I'm telling you, big daddy. 8-Did you see me ? 9-You're gonna be seing this face. 10-We're walking. 11-Did the whole family see it? 12- Do I see 120? 13-Wasn't I great? 14-What are you doing? 15-We are working for a better tomorrow,today. 16-The camera loves me. 17-I'll call you. 18-I was on TV. 19-That's hanging over the bed. 20-I ordered a wake-up call Mikey.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por minhok


1 - Going To Future

2- Simple Past

4- Simple Present

5- Simple Present

6- Simple Present

7- Present Continuous

8- Simple Past

9- Going To Future

10- Present Continuous

11- Simple Past

12- Simple Present

13- Simple Past

14- Present Continuous

15- Present Continuous

16- Simple Present

17- Simple Future

18- Simple Past

19- Present Continuous

20- Simple Past


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