Inglês, perguntado por manuela200819, 5 meses atrás

Circle the correct option:

a) I don´t play/ isn´t playing board games. I prefer videogames.

b) My mom doesn´t work/ isn´t working at home at the moment.

c) My friends don´t get/ aren´t getting ready for the party now.

d) My teacher doesn´t like/ isn´t liking spiders.​

Shinowd: olha achei alguém do COC

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Simple present  >>   negative form

⇒⇒  Present continuous >> negative form

a) I don´t play/ isn´t playing board games. I prefer videogames.

b) My mom doesn´t work/ isn´t working at home at the moment.

c) My friends don´t get/ aren´t getting ready for the party now.

d) My teacher doesn´t like/ isn´t liking spiders.​

Obs.: Em NEGRITO estão as opções corretas.

⇒⇒  Simple present >> negative form

Don't     >>> usado com I - we - you - they

I don't like to play chess.

They don't study German.

Doesn't >>>  usado com he - she - it

She doesn't work at the Mall.

He doesn't study  on Sunday.

* Na presença do ''does'' ou doesn't'' o verbo perde o ''-s'' ou ''-es''

⇒⇒  Present continuous >> negative form  

Acrescenta NOT após o verbo is / am / are + verbo - ing

I am not  going home.

She is not dancing at the moment.

They are working.

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