Inglês, perguntado por raianemoura130, 10 meses atrás

cinco frases em inglês sobre preservação da Amazônia​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sophiacristinafranco




The Amazon comprises an area of 7 million square kilometers, 5 million of which are covered by the largest tropical forest in the world.

With territories belonging to nine countries, most of which (60%) are in Brazil, the Amazon represents more than half of the remaining tropical forests on the planet and comprises the largest tropical forest biodiversity in the world.

This immense biosystem is home to just 15% of all known plant and animal species on the planet. And despite the expressive numbers, it is estimated that only one tenth of the region's biodiversity has actually been studied. There is no doubt that the importance of this heritage is immeasurable.

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