Choose the right answer:
a. ___ money do you have?
How many
How much
b. _____ people work here?
How many
How much
c. _____ sugar did you buy?
How many
How much
d. She eats ____ cookies.
a little
a few
e. I have ____ books.
f. We drank ____ water.
a little
a few
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Quantifiers
a. How much money do you have?
b. How many people work here?
c. How much sugar did you buy?
d. She eats a few cookies.
e. I have many books.
f. We drank a little water.
⇒⇒ Quantifiers / Quantificadores >>> são palavras usadas para quantificar coisas, pessoas, etc.
→→ Much (muito, muita) - é usado quando o substantivo não pode ser usado no plural
much milk >> The cat drinks too much milk.
much water >> I drink much water during the day.
How much money do you have now?
→→ Many (muitos - muitas) - é usado para substantivos que possuem a forma plural e que não precisam de uma unidade de medida (copo, quilo, grama, etc.)
many pens >> The kid has many colorful pens.
many girls >> There are many girls going to school.
How many cars do you have?
→→ Little (pouquíssimo) - é usado com palavras que não têm plural (substantivos incontáveis)
We have little time to finish the job.
Jim can speak a little Greek.
→→ Few (pouquíssimo) - é usado com palavras no plural (substantivos contáveis)
Tom has few friends in Rio de Janeiro.
We have few books to read.
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