Inglês, perguntado por rodriguesdmateus, 4 meses atrás

Choose the correct verbs (Affirmative form): (Escolha os verbos corretos (na
forma afirmativa)
a. I speak / speaks Spanish.
b. She drinks / drink a glass of water.
c. They speaks / speak French and Portuguese.
d. He eat / eats bread with ham.
e. John and Peter drinks / drink milk.
f. We speak / speaks English, Portuguese and Spanish
g. I studies / study with the children.
h. She eats / eat cheese with ham.
i. Mary study / studies with the child.
j. I study / studies on Sundays.
k. You drinks / drink coffee with milk on the winter.
1. We eats / eat bread with meat on Saturdays.
m. He studies / study with my sister.
n. She speak / speaks Portuguese with my mother.
o. I speak / speaks Spanish and Portuguese with my brother.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kifyyy


i speak...

she drinks

they speak....

he eats....

john and peter drink....

we speak....

i study....

she eats...

mary studies....

i study....

you drink....

we eat....

he studies....

she speaks....

i speak...


para pronomes da 3° pessoa o verbo se usa coloca ''s'' no verbo de acordo com sua conjugação.

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