Inglês, perguntado por Luisa15gahh, 5 meses atrás

Choose the correct tag question to complete the sentences.

Prefeitura de Ouro Verde – SP (adaptada)“Your rat drinks milk every day, _______?”

0 pontos

does it

doesn’t it

Prefeitura de Manaus – AM (adaptada) - Choose the sentence which has the correct question tag.

0 pontos

a) The roof has broken off the house, didn't it?

b) The Japanese woman recognized her dog on a TV news report, didn't she?

He's still sleeping, ________

0 pontos

is not he?

isn't he?

wasn't he?

You do go to school, ________

0 pontos

do you?

aren't you?

don't you?

Nobody called, ________

0 pontos

do they?

didn't they?

did they?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Useless05


“Your rat drinks milk every day, doesn't it?

Choose the sentence which has the correct question tag.

pra mim os dois estão certos...

He's still sleeping,isn't he?

You do go to school, don't you?

Nobody called, didn't they?


se o verbo estiver na afirmativa na frase anterior à vírgula, a tag question apresentará o verbo na negativa e vice-versa.

Ou seja, se a frase antes da virgula estiver na afirmativa, a pergunta será na negativa. Essa é a principal regra.

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