Inglês, perguntado por cianortense, 7 meses atrás

Choose the correct Passive Voice:

Marque a opção correta da frase na Voz Passiva.

a) The kids can use the Internet very well. *

The Internet can be used by the kids very well.

The Internet is used by the kids very well.

b) I heat up my dinner in my microwave oven. *

My dinner was heated up in my microwave oven.

My dinner is heated up in my microwave oven.

c) Justice punishes crimes. *

Crimes are punished by justice.

Crimes were punished by justice.

d) The leader abandoned he group.

The group is abandoned by the leader.

The group was abandoned by the leader.

Change the sentences into the Passive Voice:

Mude as frases para a Voz Passiva.
Ordinary people can create mobile games.
Mobile games can be created by ordinary people.
Lembre-se de respeitar as letras maiúsculas e a pontuação!

a) Kelly will use the telephone. *

2 pontos

Sua resposta

b) John sent lots of e-mails. *

2 pontos

Sua resposta

c) Paul conects all the computers. *

2 pontos

Sua resposta


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por SamuelKS95


a) The Internet can be used by the kids very well.

b) My dinner is heated up in my microwave oven.

c) Crimes are punished by justice.

d) The group was abandoned by the leader.

a) The telephone will be used by Kelly.

b) Lots of emails were sent by John.

c) All the computers are connected by Paul.

cianortense: Oie já fiz, mas obrigadaaaa vai estar ajudando outras pessoas
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