Inglês, perguntado por peterpark123456, 6 meses atrás

Choose the correct option to complete the tag questions.

You have seen a cosplay, ___________?

a) have you?

b) haven't you?

c) did you?

We will have an art exhibit next week,________?

a) will we?

b) won't us?

c) won't we?

Your brother likes comic books, __________? *

a) don't he

b) isn't he

c) doesn't he

I'm the only person with red socks here, _______? *

a) isn't I?

b) aren't I?

c) isn't it?

Rewrite these sentences using MUST/MUSTN'T, MIGHT/ MIGHT NOT/ CAN/ CAN'T

Example: You don't have the permission to go out tonight - You can't go out tonight

You have to talk to him right now! *

It's impossible for her to win this game. *


You are not authorized to pass from this point:


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por felipegomes220


1. b) haven't you?

2. c) won't we?

3. c) doesn't he

4. b) aren't I?

Rewrite bla...

1. You must talk to him right now!

2. She can't win this game

3. You might not(?) pass this point


Obs: eu não tenho certeza da terceira, mas acho que é might. Mas poderia ser mustn't ou can't, depende muito. Mas como might dá a ideia de permissão então acho que é esse mesmo.

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