Choose the alternative with countable nouns. *
1 ponto
a) butter, ham, juice and flour
b) butter, ham, juice, and yam
c) carton of milk, onion, roll, yam
d) butter, chocolate, money, milk
Read the text and complete the
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Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Countable and uncountable nouns
a) butter, ham, juice and flour
b) butter, ham, juice, and yam
c) carton of milk, onion, roll, yam √
d) butter, chocolate, money, milk
butter - manteiga
ham - presunto
juice - suco
flour - farinha de trigo
yam - inhame
carton of milk - caixa de leite
onion - cebola
roll - lista
money - dinheiro
milk - leite
⇒⇒ Uncountable nouns - são substantivos no singular e que precisam de uma unidade de medida (1 copo, 1 xicara, 1 kilo, 1 litro, um pouco, muito)
a cup of coffee
two glasses of milk
some sugar
⇒⇒ Countable nouns - substantivos que têm singular E plural e, por isso, podem ser contatos >> 1, 2, 3, muitos , vários, dezenas, milhares
three cars
four houses
two pencils
many friends
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