Inglês, perguntado por alicesayaneblog, 8 meses atrás

Child consumerism is transmitted by a set of bad attitudes that end up harming children's development. The public messages contained on TV and on the internet have a great influence on the growth of children's consumerism.De acordo com o texto, selecione a opção errada. *
a) for change this area, we need total attention that children's family don't give in
b) promoting children's financial education, teaching that, to buy something, you have to give up other products is a great step
c) the parents can buy anything that their children want, promoting financial education.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CavaleiroBasilisco


c) the parents can buy anything that their children want, promoting financial education.


Nesta afirmaçãi diz que os pais devem comprar tudo o que as crianças querem para promover a educação financeira, o que é muito contraditório

Respondido por numezmarialuiza


alternativa b


espero ter ajudado

bons estudos

lemesmaria69: oi
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