Inglês, perguntado por santana128, 1 ano atrás

Check your grammar: multiple choice – this, that, these and those

Circle the best answer for these sentences.

1. We’re going to play tennis _____ morning. this


2. Shall I wear this shirt or _____ one? that


3. Can I have a look at _____ trousers? that


4. Let’s go to _____ new club in the centre. this


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


This - that - these - those  

1. We’re going to play tennis this morning.

2. Shall I wear this shirt or that one?  

3. Can I have a look at those  trousers?  

4. Let’s go to that new club in the centre.


Pronomes demonstrativos >>> usado para indicar pessoa, lugar ou objeto e mostrar sua localização - perto - longe

this >>>> este - esse - esta - essa

these >> estes - esses - estas - essas


This is my sister, Liza.

These are my friends John and Jimmy.

That >>> aquele - aquela - aquilo

those >> aqueles - aquelas

That is my new car.

Those are my English teachers.

santana128: muito obrigado
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