Inglês, perguntado por PedroVelazquinho, 8 meses atrás

Check the sentences with regular verbs. Assinale as 03 alternativas que contém apenas verbos irregulares no passado: *

Marina tried seafood. She hated it.
Tim and Lucky took the school bus .
Christian shopped for food at a small market next to his house.
Andy worked for a famous magazine.
My parents held hands while they were watching TV.
Mr. Prado came to the party by taxi.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ednadonaires


Tim and Lucky took the school bus.

My parents held hands while they were watching TV.

Mr Prado came to the party by taxi.


Os verbos regulares são aqueles que terminam em -ED, ou seja, to try (tried), to hate (hated), to shop (shopped), to work (worked).

Dessa forma, os verbos irregulares da questão são: to take (passado: took; particípio passado: taken), to hold (p: held; pp: held); to come (p: came; pp: come).

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