Check the correct sentences and rewrite the incorrect ones correcting them
A) ( ) can you tell me what's Happening?
B) ( ) Do you can play the guitar ?
C) ( ) I can't understand why you're not coming to the party
D) ( ) Can I to have one more piece of cake ?
E) ( ) This can be the best time of our lives !
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Interrogative - CAN
A) (√ ) Can you tell me what's happening?
B) ( ) Do you can play the guitar ? >>> Can you play the guitar?
C) (√ ) I can't understand why you're not coming to the party .
D) ( ) Can I to have one more piece of cake ? >> Can I have one more piece of cake?
E) (√ ) This can be the best time of our lives !
→→ Can - quando usado como ''modal verb'' é pedir permissão ou pedir algo. Quando usado como um verbo normal, significa ''habilidade'', ''capacidade''.
Can - permission >>> permissão para fazer algo
Can I leave now? >> Posso sair agora?
Can - fazer um pedido informal
Can I have one more piece of cake? >> Posso comer mais um pedaço de bolo?
Can - habilidade
I can play the piano. >> Eu sei tocar piano./ Eu toco piano.
They can play soccer. >> Eles sabem jogar futebol.
She can speak Greek. >> Ela fala grego. / Ela sabe falar grego.
→→ Interrogativa usando CAN
Can + sujeito + verbo + complemento
Can you play the guitar?
Can I have one more piece of cake?
Can John drive a motorcycle?
Can they speak Italian?
Can you sing opera?