Inglês, perguntado por RafaelaTavaresr2547, 4 dias atrás

Check the correct alternative about the use of Simple Past/Simple Present/Present continuous forms of the verbs.

"Once upon a time there ____________(be) a little girl that _________________ (dream) to be a princess. One day she _______________________(walk) into the woods and __________________(meet) a prince. He _____________(be) the love of her life. They ________________(fall) in love and _______________(get) married. Today they __________(have) 3 kids. The princess _____________(play) with her kids now and the prince _________ (hunt) animals for lunch. "

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Diihla


Once upon a time there ____WAS____(be) a little girl that ____DREAMT (ou DREAMED)_____ (dream) to be a princess. One day she __________WALKED_________(walk) into the woods and ______MET_______(meet) a prince. He ____WAS_____(be) the love of her life. They _______FELL_____(fall) in love and ____GOT_______(get) married. Today they _HAVE_____(have) 3 kids. The princess ___IS PLAYING_______(play) with her kids now and the prince ___IS HUNTING____ (hunt) animals for lunch


Ali na parte do Dream pode ser ou Dreamt ou Dreamed, depende de como foi explicado sobre Simple Past antes ou se é inglês britânico ou americano, mas qualquer um está certo. Dreamt é mais britânico e dreamed é mais americano

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