Inglês, perguntado por pequenojhon57, 10 meses atrás

Check the correct alternative

1) I ________ all my money in the shopping center.

a) could spend not
b)am not be able to spend
c) cannot spend
d) can to spend

2) Cells __________ themselves within minutes.

a) can reproduce
b) is be able to reproduce
c) cannot reproduced
d) are able to can reproduce

3) Robots _________ the work of 10 men.

a) is able to do
b) are able to do
c) can to do
d) could to do

4) Mozart _______ a symphony at the age of 12.

a) was able to compose
b) were able to compose
c) could composed
d) can composed

5) You ________ me any question you want.

a) could asked
b) can to ask
c) can ask
d) are able to can ask

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por StRiGnAdO
1 - C;
2 - A;
3 - B;
4 - A;
5 - C

leryssacarl1212: Olá , poderia me ajudar ? É muito urgente
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