Change to the negative and interrogative forms:
1-There are birds in the zoo
2-There is one person int he garden
3-There is in insect on the paper
4-There are some sharks in the aquarium
5-There is a snake in the window
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ There to be - Negative and interrogative form
1-There are birds in the zoo .
Are there birds in the zoo ?
There aren't birds in the zoo .
2-There is one person in the garden .
Is there one person in the garden ?
There isn't one person in the garden .
3-There is an insect on the paper .
Is there an insect on the paper ?
There isn't an insect on the paper .
4-There are some sharks in the aquarium.
Are there some sharks in the aquarium?
There aren't any sharks in the aquarium.
5-There is a snake in the window.
Is there a snake in the window?
There isn't a snake in the window.
→→ There is / There are >>> verbo ''haver'' - ''existir''
There is a / an - singular
There is a girl in the living room - Há uma garota na sala de visitas.
There is an egg in the fridge. - Há um ovo na geladeira.
There are - plural
There are two girls in the kitchen. - Há duas garotas na cozinha
There are many books on the table. - Há muitos livros em cima da mesa.
Negative form - singular >>> There is not >>> There isn't
Negative form - plural >>> There are not >>> There aren't
Interrogative form - singular >>> Is there a .... ? / Is there an... ?
Interrogative form - plural >>> Are there..... ?
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Explicações:~ nem sei inglês