Inglês, perguntado por julius77, 7 meses atrás

Change to interrogative and negative forms.(mude para formas interrogativas e negativas em inglês)
She is doing some exercises.
There is something in my bag.
There are some boys in the living room.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por crowley7


She isn't doing some exercises.

There isn't something in my bag.

There aren't some boys in the living room.


Até onde eu sei, se nega os verbos to be, quando temos eles presentes em um frase.

julius77: tinha q ser tbm na forma interrogativa
crowley7: me desculpe eu não vi.
crowley7: Isn't she doing some exercises?
Isn't there something in my bag? Aren't there some boys in the living room?
julius77: obg
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