Matemática, perguntado por alessandraalve43, 8 meses atrás

Change to interrogative and negative forms in your notebook:

a) Logan needs a wife.
b) Deborah wants to win a scholarship.
c) Melissa understands your problem.
d) We work in a big company.
e) They try to learn more.
f) You have to sacrifice.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por renachess

Explicação passo-a-passo:

a) Logan needs a wife.

Does Logan need a wife?

Logan does not need a wife

b) Deborah wants to win a scholarship.

Does Deborah want to win a scholarship?

Deborah does not want to win a scholarship.

c) Melissa understands your problem.

Does Melissa understand your problem?

Melissa does not understand your problem.

d) We work in a big company.

Do wew work in a big company?

We don't work in a big company.

e) They try to learn more.

Do they try to learn more?

They don't try to learn more.

f) You have to sacrifice.

Do you have to ssacrifice?

You don't have to sacrifice.

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