Inglês, perguntado por helpbrainly27, 2 meses atrás

Change these story in passive voice:

My sister often prepares popcorn. It’s easy to make perfect popcorn. Follow the instructions well. She put three tablespoons
of oil in a large pot and places the pot on the stove. She heats the oil on a high flame. Next she adds a quarter cup of popcorn into the pot and puts a lid on it. In the next stage, she reduces the flame and shakes the pot gently until the corn pops. Then she
removes the pot from the stove which is turn off. Finally she put the popcorn into a large bowl.​​​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por siqueirabeatrice11

Popcorn is often prepared by my sister. Perfect popcorn is easy to make. Follow the instructions well. Three tablespoons of oil in a large pot are put and the pot is placed on the stove. The oil will be heated on a high flame. Next a quarter cup of popcorn into the pot will be added and a lid will be put as well. In the next stage, the flame is reduced and the pot is shaken gently until the corn pops. Then the pot is removed from the stove which is turn off. Finally the popcorn is put into a large bowl.

(Desculpa se não estiver completamente certo e não for isso que tava pedindo, to com sono :/)
Respondido por anaclaudialara

Mudando a história para a passive voice, temos:

The popcorn is often prepared by my sister. The perfect popcorn it's easy to be made. The instructions need to be followed well. In a large pot placed on the stove, three tablespoons are putted. The oil is heated on a high flame. On the same pot, a quarter cup of popcorn is added and a lid is putted on it.

In the next stage, the flame is reduced and the pot is shaken gently until the corn pops. Then, the pot is removed from the stove, which is turned off. Finally, the popcorn is putted into a large bowl.

Passive Voice

Essa voz é utilizada quando queremos dizer que uma pessoa, um objeto ou um animal estão sofrendo uma ação, ao invés de realizá-la. O discurso direto (alguém fazendo algo) se transforma em discurso indireto (alguém sofrendo algo).  

Ex. na voz ativa:

  • Eu limpo este quarto todos os dias.
  • Suj. verbo   O.D.

Ex. na voz passiva:  

  • Este quarto é limpo por mim todos os dias.
  •     Suj.         verbo      O.I.  (o sujeito "eu" virou objeto indireto "por mim").

Exemplo em inglês:

  • Voz ativa: My sister often prepares popcorn.
  • Voz passiva: The popcorn is often prepared by my sister.

Perceba que é importante prestar atenção no tempo verbal da voz ativa, porque o passive voice segue uma estrutura diferente, dependendo dele.  


  • presente na voz passiva: am/is/are + particípio passado (is sold);
  • present perfect  na voz passiva => has/have been + particípio passado (has been + broken);
  • present continuous na voz passiva => am/is/are being + particípio passado (is being washed).

Para saber mais sobre Voz Passiva, acesse:

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