Inglês, perguntado por waifupetit, 1 ano atrás

Change these sentences to interrogative form and translate.
1. Yesterday was Holiday.
2. Matthews was at school last night.
3. All the cabs was slow.
4. The vocabular words were extremely difficult.
5. Christopher Columbus was Italian.
6. Communication and travel were quick 200 years ago.
7. The Beatles were from the United States.
8. Pelé was importante in the sports world.
9. Sea travel was possible in the last century.
10. You were in the Bahamas this morning.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por noepinheiroribe


1 Was yesterday holiday? (ontem foi feriado?)

2 Was Matthews at school last night (O mateus estava na escola noite passada?)

3 Was all the cabs slow? (Todos os taxis estavam lentos?)

4 Were the vocabular words extremely difficult? (As palavras eram extremamente dificeis?)

5 Was Christopher Columbus Italian? (Cristovao colombo era italiano?)

6 Were communication and travel quick 200 years ago? (As comunicaçoes e viagens eram rapidas 200 anos atras?)

7 Were the Beatles from United States? (os Beatles eram dos estados unidos?)

8 Was Pelé importante in the sports world? (o pelé foi importante no mundo dos esportes?)

9 Was sea travel possible in the last century? (Viagens maritimas eram possiveis no ultimo século?)

10 Were you at Bahamas this morning? (voce estava em bahamas essa manha?) (quem me dera kk)

desculpa a demora, muita coisa p escrever.

espero ter ajudado bons estudos

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