Inglês, perguntado por kitoukimu, 5 meses atrás

Change these sentences into interrogative then give short anwsers according to the signs. Follow the examples.

— E.g. Mr. Smith was at home.
— Was Mr. Smith at home? Yes, he was.

— Tim and Peles were at the library.
— Were Tim and Peter at the library? No, they weren't.

a) Was at the garden.
b) Mum was ill last week.
c) They were in holiday in May. $
d) You were tired yesterday. 9
c) We were in the park at 5 o'clock last Monday.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vitoriaacunhaa
a) Was at the garden?
Yes, the ball was there.

b) Was mommy ill las week?
No, she was not.

c) Were they in holiday in May?
Yes, but now they are back.

d) Were you tired yesterday?
Yes, i did many works.

e) Were we in the park last Monday at 5 o’clock?
Yes, we did a picknick.
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