change the sentences into the negative form
a) they are going to watch tv after school.
b) i am to play cards.
c) he is going to study in a few minutes.
d) we are going to take a test this evening.
d) John is going to sim.

Soluções para a tarefa
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- Resposta no final
Futuro Linguístico: é usado para indicar eventos futuros com implicações de compulsão, determinação, necessidade ou obrigação.
- sujeito + verbo ser (conjugado) + verbo ir (gerúndio) + a + verbo (forma simples). - Affirmative form
EX.: They are going to play basketball
- sujeito + verbo to (conjugado) + NOT + verbo go (gerúndio) + to + verbo (forma simples). - Negative form
EX.: They aren´t going to play basketball
- verbo ser (conjugado) + sujeito + verbo ir (gerúndio) + para + verbo (forma simples) + ponto de interrogação (?). - Interrogative form
EX.: Are They going to play basketball?
- Negative form:
a) they aren´t going to watch tv after school.
b) i´m not going to play cards.
c) he isn´t going to study in a few minutes.
d) we aren´t going to take a test this evening.
e) John isn´t going to swim.
- Interrogative form:
a) Are they going to watch tv after school?
b) Am I going to play cards?
c) Is He going to study in a few minutes?
d) Are we going to take a test this evening?
d) Is John going to swim?
- Affirmative form:
a) they are going to watch tv after school.
b) I am going to play cards.
c) he is going to study in a few minutes.
d) we are going to take a test this evening.
d) John is going to swim.
Espero ter ajudado,
Bons estudos!

Forma negativa:
a) they aren´t going to watch tv after school.
b) i´m not going to play cards.
c) he isn´t going to study in a few minutes.
d) we aren´t going to take a test this evening.
e) John isn´t going to swim.