Change the sentences into interrogative:
He hasn't planned his trip to the mountains
I haven't scheduled an interview at the consulate
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Present perfect
a. He hasn't planned his trip to the mountains.
Hasn't he planned his trip to the mountains?
b. I haven't scheduled an interview at the consulate.
Haven't I scheduled an interview at the consulate?
As duas frases estão na negativa >> hasn't e haven't . Por isso, a interrogativa tem que ser feita usando ''hasn't'' e ''haven't''
⇒⇒ Present Perfect >>> expressa ações relativas ao presente, ou seja, as ações dos verbos ainda estão acontecendo ou terminaram recentemente.
sujeito + has /hasn't - have /haven't + verbo particípio + complemento
O present perfect também pode:
→→ indicar uma situação/ação que começou no passado e continua no presente.
I have studied German since 2017.
David has worked at the Mall for five years.
→→ indicar uma ação terminada em um passado recente, confirmada pelo uso da palavra ''just''
David has just arrived from New York.
I have just finished my homework.
Negative (hasn't / haven't)
They haven't visited their grandparents for two weeks.
David hasn't traveled to Rio since last month.
Interrogative (has / hasn't - have / haven't no início da frase)
Have they visited their grandparents for two weeks?
Haven't you traveled to Rio since last month?
Has John moved two years ago?
Hasn't he planned his holliday?
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