Inglês, perguntado por aylasantana297, 10 meses atrás

Change the sentences above to the negative and interrogative forms: Passe as sentenças da questão anterior para a forma negativa e interrogativa)

A) John was here.
B) Sarah and I were in USA.
C) John was a good student.
D) Paul and Mike were nice.
E) You were a teacher.
F) I was at work.
G) Sandy and you were brothers.
H) Peter was a doctor.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por j3nn1e

a) John wasn't here.

Was John here?

b) Sarah and I weren't in USA.

Were Sarah and I in USA?

c) John wasn't a good student.

Was John a good student?

d) Paul and Mike weren't nice.

Were Paul and Mike nice?

e) You weren't a teacher

Were you a teacher?

f) I wasn't at work.

Was I at work?

g) Sandy and you were a teacher.

Were Sandy and you a teacher?

h) Peter wasn't a doctor.

Was peter a doctor?

espero ter ajudado <

Respondido por euclaire


a. John wasn't here.

Was John here?

b. Sarah and I weren't in USA.

Were Sarah and I in USA?

c. John wasn't a good student.

Was John a good student?

d. Paul and Mike weren't nice.

Were Paul and Mike nice?

e. You weren't a teacher.

Were you a teacher?

f. I wasn't at work.

Was I at work?

g. Sandy and you weren't brothers.

Were you and Sandy brothers?

h. Peter wasn't a doctor.

Was Peter a doctor?

Bons estudos! :)

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