Inglês, perguntado por enzoguilherme976, 4 meses atrás

Change the affirmative sentences bellow to the Negative and Interrogative forms: (Passe as

sentenças afirmativas abaixo para a forma Negativa e Interrogativa:)

Example: She was on the beach.

Negative: She wasn´t on the beach.

Interrogative: Was she on the beach? (o verbo to be deve ser colocado antes do pronome)

a) I _________________ tired last night.

b) They _________________ late for school.

c) She _________________ very happy at her birthday party.

d) It _________________ in the kitchen.

e) Robert _________________ nervous after the accident.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lazaro9264351

robert nobru apelaoiskdj

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