Inglês, perguntado por ik0z, 1 ano atrás

Chance To Negative form. (mudar para forma negativa)


a) you are done
b) a king is a monarck
c) you are brazilian
d) they are here
e) the capital of Scotland is edinburng

2. passe para interrogativa as frase das mesmas questões acima!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por userthomaz
1-a) You aren't done
b) A king isn't a monarck
c) You aren't Brazilian
d) They aren't here
e) The capital of Scotland isn't Edinburgh

2-a) Are you done?
b) Is a king monarck?
c) Are you Brazilian?
d) Are they here?
e) Is Edinburgh the capital of Scotland?

ik0z: obg cara
userthomaz: dnd
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