História, perguntado por joanaqueiroz79, 6 meses atrás

Can you suggest a more economical alternative to slave labor?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por brendajaneiro2009


Slave labor is a serious violation of human rights that restricts the freedom of the individual and undermines his dignity. The phenomenon is distinct from slavery in the colonial and imperial periods, when victims were imprisoned in chains and flogged in the pillory. Today, slave labor is a crime expressed in Article 149 of the Penal Code, according to the following legal definition:

Article 149. Reducing someone to a condition similar to that of a slave, either by subjecting them to forced labor or exhausting work hours, by subjecting them to degrading working conditions, or by restricting, by any means, their mobility due to debt contracted with the employer or representative:

Penalty - imprisonment, from two to eight years, and fine, in addition to the penalty corresponding to violence.

§ 1º. The same penalties apply to those who:

I- make it possible for the worker to use any means of transport, in order to retain him in the workplace;

II - ostensible surveillance in the workplace or seizes the worker's personal documents or objects, in order to retain him in the workplace.

§ 2. The penalty is increased by half if the crime is committed:

I - against children or adolescents;

II - due to prejudice of race, ethnicity, religion or origin.

More simply, the term contemporary slave labor is used in Brazil to designate the situation in which a person is subjected to forced labor, exhausting work hours, debt bondage and / or degrading conditions. It is not necessary that the four selected elements are present: only one of them is necessary to configure the exploitation of slave labor.


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