Inglês, perguntado por silcrisribeiro, 8 meses atrás

Caio: Hey! Take a look at this… Juci: Oh my gosh! That meme is so ____________! Caio: I know! Juci: Did you know? The word “meme” didn’t originate ____________ and not even is a word created in this century. Caio: NO WAY! I thought it was something ____________. Juci: Nope! In 1976, the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins first used the word in his book “The Selfish Gene” to describe an idea or behavior that quickly spreads among people in a ____________. Caio: Modern memes also spread quickly across the internet! Juci: That’s right! The modern internet meme, most people know nowadays, takes lots of this concept, since it is a piece of ____________ put in new and, most of the time, funny contexts that fast replicates across the internet. For that reason, the relationship between ____________ and text must be precise, the text short, and the message very clear. Also, internet memes can go through small alterations or even generate new memes… Caio: That’s true! I usually see the same image being used in different memes! Maybe that’s because a single piece of media can be put in different contexts to express ____________ situations, reflect about social issues, criticize, and many other things. Juci: Exactly! You are simply the best! Caio: Wow… I didn’t know all that. This is very interesting!

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Respondido por gabriooliveira


Caio: Hey! Take a look at this… Juci: Oh my gosh! That meme is so DOPE! Caio: I know! Juci: Did you know? The word “meme” didn’t originate RECENTLY and not even is a word created in this century. Caio: NO WAY! I thought it was something TRENDING. Juci: Nope! In 1976, the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins first used the word in his book “The Selfish Gene” to describe an idea or behavior that quickly spreads among people in a VIRAL WAY. Caio: Modern memes also spread quickly across the internet! Juci: That’s right! The modern internet meme, most people know nowadays, takes lots of this concept, since it is a piece of EVENT put in new and, most of the time, funny contexts that fast replicates across the internet. For that reason, the relationship between IMAGE and text must be precise, the text short, and the message very clear. Also, internet memes can go through small alterations or even generate new memes… Caio: That’s true! I usually see the same image being used in different memes! Maybe that’s because a single piece of media can be put in different contexts to express NEW situations, reflect about social issues, criticize, and many other things. Juci: Exactly! You are simply the best! Caio: Wow… I didn’t know all that. This is very interesting!

Respondido por leokdkmvkff

Resposta: Hi!

Explicação: Caio: Hey! Take a look at this…

Juci: Oh my gosh! That meme is so funny!

Caio: I know!

Juci: Did you know? The word “meme” didn’t originate on-line and not even is a word created in

this century.

Caio: NO WAY! I thought it was something new.

Juci: Nope! In 1976, the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins first used the word in his book “The

Selfish Gene” to describe an idea or behavior that quickly spreads among people in a culture.

Caio: Modern memes also spread quickly across the internet!

Juci: That’s right! The modern internet meme, most people know nowadays, takes lots of this

concept, since it is a piece of media put in new and, most of the time, funny contexts that fast

replicates across the internet. For that reason, the relationship between image and text must be

precise, the text short, and the message very clear. Also, internet memes can go through small

alterations or even generate new memes…

Caio: That’s true! I usually see the same image being used in different memes! Maybe that’s because

a single piece of media can be put in different contexts to express comic situations, reflect about

social issues, criticize, and many other things.

Juci: Exactly! You are simply the best!

Caio: Wow… I didn’t know all that. This is very interesting!

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