c) Use the words from the last activity to write sentences. Follow the example:
Battery is an example of chemical energy.
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Soluções para a tarefa
O Simple Present Tense é usado para representar o presente simples, ou seja, equivale ao presente do indicativo quando transposto ao português.
1- Propane is used as fuel for stoves.
2- Food is also an example of chemical energy and that energy is released during digestion.
3- Biomass is all organic matter of plant or animal origin used for the purpose of producing energy.
4- The production of electricity from mineral coal.
5- Chlorophyll is the most important pigment in the photosynthesis process of plants, as it transforms energy into chemical energy.
Seu uso é válido quando se quer apontar ações corriqueiras no tempo presente. Sendo usado em sentido de verdades imutáveis, emoções, opiniões e sentimentos.
São utilizados, ainda, advérbios que exprimem sentido de tempo, como: now, never, usually, always, often.
São exemplos de Simple Present Tense:
She plays soccer very well.
We love coffee.
He goes to school in the morning
You always read a letter in the afternoon
They usually travel to USA in April
Para saber mais: brainly.com.br/tarefa/27702655
2-Food is also an example of chemical energy, and that energy is released during digestion.
3-Biomass is all organic matter of plant or animal origin used for the purpose of producing energy.
4-The production of electricity from mineral coal.
5-Chlorophyll is the most important pigment in the photosynthesis process of plants, as it transforms energy into chemical energy.