Inglês, perguntado por pereiraalissonj7, 5 meses atrás

C. Complete the following sentences with the adverbs below.
slowly - dangerously - easily - angrily - loudly - hardly - rapidly - badly - terribly
- brilliantly
1. He had an accident. He was driving __________
2. The old man walked _________
3. He is really smart He thinks _________
4. His mother shouted _________
5. All heavy metal rock band sing ________
6. We could _________ dimb the mountain, it was very high.
7. I did all the exercises ________​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por carolinaandrade41
1- dangerously
2- slowly
3- brilliantly
4- angrily
5- loudly
6- hardly
7- easily
Respondido por llawliettailor111

não sei queria saber tambemss

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