Inglês, perguntado por Barbalkllll, 11 meses atrás

Bob´s Vacation

Tess – What did you do on your vacation?
Bob – I visited my cousins in the countryside.
Tess – Did you enjoy your trip?
Bob – Yes, I did. In fact I did a lot of things that I never do here.
Tess – Really?! What did you do?
Bob – In the morning I walked along a lake. In the afternoon I watched the birds and the sunset. And at night I played cards.
Tess - Did you do the same every day?
Bob – Of course not. On weekends we organized parties. My cousins played the guitar and I prepared the food.
Tess – Prepared the food on weekends?! Thank God I didn’t go with you.

country – campo, interior
along the lake – ao longo do rio.
sunset – pôr do sol
parties – festas
food – comida.

1) Answer the questions in English:

a) What did Bob do on his vacation?_____________________________________________

b) Who prepared the food? ____________________________________________________

2) Answer the question in Portuguese:

a) Diga duas coisas que Bob fazia de manhã ou à noite: ____________________________

3- Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the Simple Past.

a) I __________________ a film yesterday. (to watch).
b) She __________________ her friends last weekend. (not / to visit).
c) They _________________ the guitar at the party (not / to play).
d) We _________________ hard last month (to work)
e) You _________________ your room very well! (to clean).

4 - Write 2 sentences in the past tense:
a) Yesterday, __________________________________________________________ .
b) Last week, __________________________________________________________.

5 – Choose correct sentence. (only one)

a) ( ) Did she called her mother yesterday?
b) ( ) What do you do last weekend?
c) ( ) We talk to the teacher last Friday.
d) ( ) The girls were walked in the park yesterday.
e) ( ) I didn’t visit my grandmother last Sunday.

6 – Turn the sentences into the Simple Past:
a) I go to the beach. __________________________________________________
b) He forgets his key. _________________________________________________
c) The prince meets Snow White. ________________________________________
d) She speaks four languages. __________________________________________

7 – Turn the negative sentences.
a) Danny went to the restaurant. ____________________________________________
b) I chose a nice car. _____________________________________________________
c) I spoke a lot. _________________________________________________________
d) She lived near hear. ___________________________________________________
e) He watched TV last night. _______________________________________________

8 - Put the sentences in the correct order:
a) there? / did / do / you / what ______________________________________________
b) How / go? / you / did ___________________________________________________
c) anywhere / I / go / didn’t _________________________________________________
d) took / It / three / about / hour ________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo
1- a) He visited his cousins
b) Bob prepared the food

2- Ele caminhou ao redor de um lago, olhou o por do sol, e jogou cartas

3- a) watched
b) did not visited
c) did not play
d) worked
e) cleaned

4- a) Yesterday I studied hard
b) Last week my mom prepared the food

5- e)

6- a) I went to the beach
b) He forgot his keys
c) The prince met Snow White
d) She speaked four languages

7- a) Danny did not go to the restaurant
b) I did not choose a nice car
c) I did not speak a lot
d) She did not live near here
e) He did not watch TV last night

8- a) What did you do there?
b) How did you go?
c) I didn't go anywhere
d) It took about three hours

Bons estudos <3
Respondido por tamyresdejesus

Abaixo, a tradução do texto "Bob's Vacation":

Férias de Bob

Tess - O que você fez nas férias?

Bob - Visitei meus primos no campo.

Tess - Você gostou da sua viagem?

Bob - Sim, eu gostei. Na verdade, fiz muitas coisas que nunca faço aqui.

Tess - Sério?! O que você fez?

Bob - De manhã, caminhei por um lago. À tarde, observei os pássaros e o pôr do sol. E à noite eu jogava cartas.

Tess - Você fazia o mesmo todos os dias?

Bob - Claro que não. Nos fins de semana, organizamos festas. Meus primos tocavam violão e eu preparava a comida.

Tess - Preparou a comida nos finais de semana?! Graças a Deus eu não fui com você.

1. a) Bob caminhou por um lago, observou pássaros e o por do sol, jogou cartas e participou de festas.

b) Bob preparou a comida.

2. a) De noite Bob jogava cartas e participava de festa.

3. a) I watched a film yesterday.

b) She did not visited  her friends last weekend.

c) They did not play the guitar at the party.

d) We worked  hard last month.

e) You cleaned your room very well!

4. a) She worked hard yesterday.

He studied a lot yesterday.

b) We did not sing this song last week.

I didn't see you last week.

5. Alternativa E!

6. a) I went to the beach .

b) He forgot his keys .

c) The prince met Snow White .

d) She spoke four languages.

7. a) Danny did not go to the restaurant .

b) I did not choose a nice car .

c) I did not speak a lot .

d) She did not live near here .

e) He did not watch TV last night.

8. a) What did you do there?

b) How did you go?

c) I didn't go anywhere .

d) It took about three hours.

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