Inglês, perguntado por elizabetemariapb1nyq, 9 meses atrás

boa tarde pessoal alguem pode me ajudar com atividade de inglês a 1 e a 2 é pra respoder em inglês e a terceira é pra reconhecer quando é passado e quando é presente usando os verbos que esta entre parênteses (1 responda: a)whose car is that? (meu) b)where is your father now? (at work ) c)whem is your birthday? d) who is best fried in your classrom? 2)Responda coru short amswers: a)Do you speak spanish? b)Do you study every day? c) Does your father work every day? d)Does your mother go to school with you? e)Do your fried almays study with you? f)Do your friend play soccer every week? 3)complete com os verbos entre parênteses: a)he_____the movie last week (Watch) b)she_____to drink beer yesterday (Want) c)they_____with their friends every week (play)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por fabianatobiaspbkccq

Boa tarde pessoal alguem pode me ajudar com atividade de inglês a 1 e a 2 é pra respoder em inglês e a terceira é pra reconhecer quando é passado e quando é presente usando os verbos que esta entre parênteses (1 responda:

a)whose car is that? (meu) That car is mine.

b)where is your father now? (at work ) He is at work.

c)when is your birthday? It is in January (aqui vc precisa colocar o mes de seu aniversário)

d) who is best fried in your classrom?  Paulo is my best friend (vc deve substituir Paulo pelo nome de seu melhor amigo/amiga)

2)Responda coru short amswers:

a)Do you speak spanish? no, I don't.

b)Do you study every day? yes, I do.

c) Does your father work every day? Yes, he does.

d)Does your mother go to school with you? no, she doesn't.

e)Do your fried almays study with you? No, she doesn't.

f)Do your friend play soccer every week? No, she doesn't.

3)complete com os verbos entre parênteses:

a)he watched the movie last week (Watch)

b)she wanted to drink beer yesterday (Want)

c)they played with their friends every week (play)

elizabetemariapb1nyq: valeu
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