Inglês, perguntado por joaocaetino, 11 meses atrás

boa tarde gente, poderiam me ajudar numa atividade de inglês?

Writing news stories

The inverted pyramid shows the traditional structure of news stories. The most relevant information comes in the headline and in the first paragraph, called the lead: the details are given in the follow-up paragraphs.

There are two main reasons for the use of this structure. On one hand, it allows the busy readers’ to get the gist of the story by reading just a few lines. On the other hand, it makes it easier for editors to cut articles short, from the bottom up, to fit the available space on the printed page without losing essential information.


Good headline writing grabs the readers’ attention so that they will read on.

The lead is a short introductory paragraph – sometimes just a sentence or two – that contains the summary of the story, i.e., information to answer some or all the 5 Ws ( who, where, when, what, why) and the H (how).

The follow-up paragraphs explain and amplify the story by providing relevant details.

News articles require direct quotes to be lively and believable. When quoting, the first and last names, alongside a brief descriptive phrase that explains what the person does, must be acknowledged. Once people have been identified, they should be referred to by last name only.

1. Find in the text:

a) A synonym for “the general meaning”;

b) A synonym for “holds, attracts”;

c) The antonym of “irrelevant”;

d) The antonym of “modern, contemporary”;

e) The word for “the professional whose job is to check articles and make changes and corrections before they are published”;

f) The word for “phrases or passages that represent the exact words someone else has written or spoken”;

g) The English word for “resumo”;

h) The English equivalente for “espaço disponível”.

2. Match the 5 Ws and the H with the information they request:

a) Who ( ) the way or manner in which the fact happened

b) Where ( ) the fact itself

c) When ( ) the reason for the fact or its motivation

d) What ( ) the date or time

e) Why ( ) the person or people involved in the news

f) How ( ) the place

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Respondido por marilene2988


bju bju e vc tá bom dia o desgosto

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