Before I went into the Priory to be treated for shopping addiction, I run up a debt of £24,000. From quite a young age, I had to have ‘nice’ things because they made me feel good. At the age of 15 I started a part-time job as a waitress an I love having my own money to buy what I liked… and when I had spent my wages, I borrowed money of my brother. When I left school at 18, I started working in the retail industry. I opened a number of bank accounts and collected store & credit cards. My spending sprees escalated and I often ended up buying things I didn’t even want or wat was going on. I left home but I couldn’t make ends meet – I was spending my money on useless things and not on rent, electric or food. I eventually moved back in with my parents and I tried to stop spending. I couldn’t abstain for long. I sought professional help when I’d lost my job because I was out of the offce shopping all day long. I am now successfully rebuilding my life and I’m slowly repaying my debts. I am fnally aware of who I am and I actually like myself now. Julie aged 27.
Observe o uso da expressão COULDN’T no texto, escreva o que Julie não podia fazer e explique:
Use os verbos CAN e COULD para completar as frases abaixo:
1. I ______ speak three languages now.
2. She _______ ride a bike all the time when she was 5 years old. Write (T-True) or (F-False) according to the text about Julie:
1. Since her youth, Julie liked to possess ugly objects. (___)
2. At the age of 15, she saved money to use in the future. (___)
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