Inglês, perguntado por dayaneellen0987, 9 meses atrás

Beauty is only skin-deep, but the perceived absence of beauty may lead to damaging social bias.
Compared to men, women may suffer more from social anxiety, prejudice, and inequality based on their
appearance, To comprehend beauty-related socio-cultural phenomena, many studies have examined
the pursuit of beauty related to body image, body perception, a body-related self-concept, and body
satisfaction. These studies have clarified factors that impact and result in the pursuit of beauty. However
although numerous previous studies on these aspects of beauty have been conducted, there is still a
considerable controversy about why women, in particular, are focused on with a beautiful appearance.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por raquelecastrosa

Resposta: Porque elas contém um cuidado maior para a sua própria beleza.


raquelecastrosa: Espero ter ajudado
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