B. Escreva nos parênteses se as frases abaixo estão corretas ou incorretas. Logo após, corrija as incorretas. Utilize as regras do Present Simple e Present Continuous. (2,0)
1) We are liking this school now.
2) The birds flies in the sky.
3) Some animals live in the forest and do not go to the zoo.
4) I am not understanding this exercises. Do you know about it?
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Present Continuous
1) We are liking this school now. >>> errada
We are enjoying this school now.
2) The birds flies in the sky. >>> errada
The birds fly in the sky.
3) Some animals live in the forest and do not go to the zoo. >>> correta
4) I am not understanding this exercises. Do you know about it?>>> errada
I don't understand these exercises. Do you understand it?
1) We are liking this school now. >>> errada
We are enjoying this school now.
to like >> to enjoy
2) The birds flies in the sky. >>> errada
The birds fly in the sky.
The birds >>> plural >>> the birds fly
flies >>> usado com a terceira pessoa do singular HE - SHE - IT
4) I am not understanding this exercises. Do you know about it?>>> errada
I don't understand these exercises. Do you understand it?
I can't understand these exercises. Do you understand it?
Não se usa ''understand'' no ''present continuous''
→→ Present Continuous
Verbos que não expressam continuidade NÃO devem ser usados no present continuous.
I am studying for the test. - expressa continuidade. Eu estou estudando agora, hoje, amanhã até o dia da prova.
I am going to the club. - expressa continuidade. Eu estou indo ao clube no momento.
I am liking the icecream. - ERRADO >>> liking, no caso, não expressa continuidade.
I like icecream. >>> CORRETO
Estrutura do Present Continuous
Sujeito + verbo to be + verbo -ing + complemento
Susan is studying for the tests.
Alguns verbos que NÃO DEVEM ser usados no present continuous:
like - gostar
doubt - duvidar
need - precisar
know - saber, conhecer
believe - acreditar, crer
hate - odiar
love - amar
taste - provar (sentir o sabor)
agree - concordar
understand - entender - compreender