B) Escreva as sentenças completas usando as palavras que estão entre parênteses). Use WIIL ou GOING TO de acordo com cada caso.
1 - (I / buy / a new computer) ______________________________________ (prior plan)
2. (I / study / harder) ________________________________________________ (promise)
3. (I / open / the door for you) ___________________________________________ (offer)
4. (I/go / to the party) ________________________________________________ (refusal)
5. He is late. (He / miss / the bus) ___________________________________ (evidence)
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Simple future with ''will'' and ''going to''
1 - I am going to buy a new computer. (prior plan)
2. I I will study harder. (promise)
3. I will open the door for you. (offer)
4. I am not going to the party. (refusal)
5. He is late. He is going to miss the bus. (evidence)
⇒⇒ Simple future com ''will'' >>> futuro incerto - não planejado
sujeito + will + verbo + complemento
I will go to the park tomorrow.
She will ride a bike next Sunday.
⇒⇒ Simple future with ''going to'' >> futuro certo - Uma ação que foi planejada e é certeza que irá acontecer.
sujeito + to be + going to + verbo + complemento
Paul is going to arrive late.
The kids are going to play soccer tomorrow.
I am going to study French next month.
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