Inglês, perguntado por Matheus234581, 4 meses atrás

B Complete the conversations with the correct words in parentheses. 1. A: Whose (Whose / His) T-shirt is this? Is it Ayumi's?
B: No, it's not
(her/hers). It's
(my / mine)
2. A: Are these
(your / yours) jeans?
B: No, they aren't
(my / mine) jeans. Let's ask Mohammed. I think they're
3. A: Are these Stephanie's and Jennifer's socks?
B: No, they aren't
(their / theirs). They're
(your / yours).
A: I don't think so. These socks are white, and
(my / mine) are blue.
Is this coat yours

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MiguelsLourenco


1. A) Whose B) Her/Mine

2. A) Your B) My/His

3. B) Their A) Mine


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