Inglês, perguntado por laranjacomsal, 9 meses atrás

B) Complete as sentenças com: There was ou Was there / There were ou Were there Revisão: → Simple Past ( Verb There To Be ) ● Singular: Afirmativa → there was (havia; houve) / Interrogativa → was there? ● Plural: Afirmativa → there were (havia; houve) / Interrogativa → were there?
1) _______________________ a monarchy in the history of Brazil?
2) _______________________ a beautiful Princess of Wales named Diana.
3) _______________________ many famous kings in France.
4) _______________________ important facts about the American colonization?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardafranzoni7

1) Was there a monarchy in the history of Brazil?

2) There was a beautiful Princess of Wales named Diana.

3) There were many famous kings in France.

4) Were there important facts about the American colonization?

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