Português, perguntado por rafaelapereira049, 9 meses atrás

Aula online de Língua Inglesa

2º Bimestre


1ª Série

Professora: Jeana de Souza

Conteúdo: Letter - Carta

A devolutiva deverá ser feita na próxima aula – 25/05

Copie a carta abaixo e tente decifrá-la ao fazer a tradução.

A love secret

(Adapted from the love letter, published by the MacMillan Company).

There was a girl whose father was very jealous. Even so she had a boyfriend who loved her. He wanted to write her about love. To avoid problems with her father he invented a new kind of letter. He wrote:

“The great love I had for you

is gone, and my hate for you

increases every day. when I see you

I feel bad and displeased.

the only thing I want to do is to

look the other way. I never wanted to

marry you. I have a heart

to give, but it is not a heart

I want to give you. Do me a favor and

do not try to

answer this letter.

I don’t need you.

Good bye! Believe me,

don’t think that

I an still your love”.

The girl soon understood that….

A pergunta é: Como ela compreendeu que o rapaz ainda amava-a ????

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Bah0716


Respondido por jovelita6


homenagens dwbsnskskwmwjjskwjeiekeuwiwjeodmdhjskeiwiwiwieiejejw

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