Inglês, perguntado por tr340293, 10 meses atrás

AULA 4 Lembre-se que usaremos DO ou DOES somente na forma interrogativa do presente simples. Ex. I go to Salvador by car. Do I go to Salvador by car? We study English at a big university. Do we study English at a big university?
Ex. He goes to Salvador by car. DOES he go to Salvador by car?
Mary studies in a big university. DOES Mary study in a big university?
Usaremos DO com os pronomes I – WE – YOU – THEY e o verbo não sofre alteração.
Usaremos DOES com os pronomes HE – SHE – IT – Nomes no singular e o verbo vai para sua forma normal sem as terminações ES, S ou IES DON´T OU DOESN´T? Usaremos DON´T com os pronomes I - WE – YOU – THEY para forma a negativa. Usaremso DOESN´T com os pronomes HE – SHE – IT – NOME NO SINGULAR. 1. Complete com as expressões; DO – DOES – DON´T ou DOESN´T a) Cayo _________ go to the College tonight. b) My parents _________ have Italian and French classes on Thursdays every week. c) Louise_____________ work at the Brad's Office. d) ________I eat bread with nuts jelly every morning? e) ____________the plain arrive at 08:00 in the city? f) You ____________ want to be here g)Mary______________ have a favorite kind of movie. h) She _______________ like your mother. i) He ______________ live alone. j) _________she like you?
I. (UFPB) ____________ Beatty usually ____________ what she wants?
a) Do/get
b) Does/gets
c) Does/get
d) was/got
e) is/got
II. We _____________ go to the church on Wednesdays.
a) aren’t
b) weren’t
c) wasn’t
d) doesn’t
e) don’t​

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Respondido por kauadematos15



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