Artes, perguntado por amanndacarvalho13, 7 meses atrás

I-Escreva as seguintes datas por extenso, segundo e formate americano. Veja os exemples:
02/28/1998 - February the twenty-eighth, nineteen ninety-eight.
08/14/2010 - August the eighth, twenty ten.
a) 06/04/2012
b) 12/31/1987
c) 09/05/2004
d) 10/17/1993
e) 03/15/1976

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por larissa47700


a) June four of two thousand and twelve.

b) thirty-one December one thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven.

c)November five of two thousand and four.

d)December seventeen thousand one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three.

e) March 15th, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-six

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