Atividade de Língua Inglesa sobre JUNE PARTY
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- Origin of June Parties
- Typical Foods and Drinks
- Costumes : girls and boys
- Where they happen
- Decoration
- Games
- Dances
- Beliefs
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- Origin of June Parties
Festa Junina, or the June Festival, is a Catholic tradition that was introduced to Brazil during the country’s colonisation by Portugal (from 1500 to 1822). Its events are based on the European Midsummer festivities, which celebrate the harvest and the saints, mainly Saint Anthony, Saint John the Baptist, and Saint Peter. Despite its religious origins, the emphasis of Festa Junina is on creating a large social gathering of dancing, drinking, and eating, especially in larger cities.
A Festa Junina , ou Festival Junino, é uma tradição católica introduzida no Brasil durante a colonização do país por Portugal (de 1500 a 1822). Os seus eventos baseiam-se nas festas europeias do Solstício de Verão, que celebram as vindimas e os santos, principalmente Santo António, São João Baptista e São Pedro. Apesar de suas origens religiosas, a ênfase da Festa Junina está na criação de um grande encontro social de dança, bebida e comida, especialmente nas grandes cidades.
- Typical foods and drinks
The food of Festa Junina is comforting and uses local ingredients—as you would expect of dishes made in the countryside. Typical foods include bolo de fubá (corn cakes made from finely ground rice or corn flour), curau (corn mixed with condensed milk and peanuts, then topped with cinnamon), cocada de colher (shredded coconut mixed with condensed milk and butter), pé-de-moleque (a type of sweet treat made with hard toffee and peanuts), and paçoca (candy made out of crushed peanuts). The two most typical drinks are quentão (a hot drink made with cachaça, ginger, sugar, cloves, and cinnamon) and vinho quente, which is similar to mulled wine.
- Costumes: Girls and Boys
The typical costumes of Festa Junina are country-themed in a Western style, with denim shorts for girls and checkered shirts for both men and women. Some girls even braid their hair and paint freckles across their cheeks, but almost everyone dresses up to some degree during the festivities.
- Where they happen
All of Brazil celebrates this annual event. The major cities have the largest celebrations, though individual events can be found in almost every neighborhood. These are held in different venues, from schools and churches to houses, bars, and event spaces. The largest festivities happen in the northeast of Brazil where the scale of celebrations is similar to Carnival.
- Decoration
Checked, wicker and straw prints; flags and balloon; fire pit; little flags; colorful baloons; straw hats; corn husks; calico fabric; plaid fabric; images of saints; tapes; candles; rural objects; field flowers: colored fans.
- Games
At the children's party, moments of recreation and games are highly anticipated by children. When the theme is Festa Junina then, the event promises to be more lively. The games of the June party are: foot-tied race, sack race, corn race, egg-in-the-spoon race, fishing, square dancing, among others.
- Dances
The dance of Festa Junina is the quadrilha, a type of square dancing in which couples dress up as caipiras (a term used to refer to people who live in rural or remote areas of Brazil). The women typically wear makeup and paint freckles on their faces while men may paint on a mustache and a goatee. Accompanying the dancing is forró, a music genre that is to the northeast of Brazil what samba is to Rio de Janeiro. It’s played with an accordion, a zabumba, and a triangle and is an uplifting, fast-paced genre of music popular throughout Brazil, especially during the Festa Junina.
- Beliefs
It is known that June festivals have been held in Brazil since colonial times and their main motivating factor is the celebration of the days of four main saints of the Catholic Church:
St. Anthony of Padua,
Saint John the Baptist,
Saint Peter and
Sao Paulo.
The devotion and celebrations dedicated to these saints over time produced a series of sympathies, that is, superstitious rituals, typical of popular Catholicism.
• Ring sympathy;
• Egg sympathy;
• Punish the Saint to find a bridegroom;
• Prayer to “hold” the groom and “tie up” the husband;
• Walking on the embers of the fire.
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⇒⇒ June Parties
→→ Origin of June Parties
‘’Festa Junina’’ was introduced by the Portuguese in the colonial period. In Portugal, the June party was called ‘’Festa Joanina’’, because of Saint John, the main saint of the celebration, which is why the June parties are also called ‘’Festa de São João’’.
→→ Typical Foods and Drinks
→ Food
Curau - corn mixed with condensed milk and peanuts
Bolo de fubá - corn cake made from corn flour
Paçoca - candy made out of crushed peanuts
Pé-de-moleque - a type of sweet treat made with hard toffee and
→ Drinks
Quentão – made with cachaça, sugar, cloves, cinnamon and ginger.
Vinho quente - ‘’hot wine’’ similiar to ‘’mulled wine.
→→ Costumes : girls and boys
Girls usually wear flowered dresses with ruffles, straw hats, boots and braids in their hair.
Boys wear plaid shirts, jeans with sewn flaps, a straw hat and boots.
→→ Where they happen
‘’Festa Junina’’ is celebrate all over Brazil. The largest celebrations happen in the major cities. It can be in churches, schools and event spaces.
→→ Decoration
One of the biggest symbols of the Festa Junina characterization is the decoration: the flags. They are little flags cut in various colors and in specific shapes that guarantee the joy and charm to the party.
→→ Games
→ Pau-de-sebo - this is a very typical game in June Parties. It consists of climbing a pole at least five meters high, which contains some texture or fat that makes it difficult for those who want to retrieve some prize that is on top.
→→ Dances
→ Quadrilha - a type of ‘’square dancing’’ , danced by couples dressed up as ‘’caipiras’’, that is a term used to refer to people who live in the rural áreas of Brazil).
→→ Beliefs
June is considered the month of the Saints in Brazil (Saint John, Saint Peter and Saint Anthony). It begins on the 13th, with Saint Anthony, elected matchmaker, followed by Saint John, on the 24th, and ends with Saint Peter, the protector of widows, on the 30th. Here are some beliefs:
→ Magic on paper
On the night of St. John, cut pieces of paper into small pieces and write on them the names of several suitors. Then roll them up and put them in a basin of water. The paper that unrolls first will indicate the name of the future mate.
→ Young or old?
On St. John's Eve, pass a bunch of basil over the fire and throw it on the roof of your house. If it is still green the next day, it is a sign of marriage to a young person. If it is withered, it means marriage to an old person.
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