Inglês, perguntado por valesca08, 1 ano atrás

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What did Rosa Parks do?
In the face of such racism, Rosa decided to make a stand for what was right. Together with her husband Raymond, she joined the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP), working towards putting an end to discrimination and segregation. But it was on the 1 December 1955 that Rosa truly sparked change. After a long day at work, Rosa boarded the bus home and took a seat. At that time in Montgomery, seats at the front of buses were reserved for white passengers, and the seats at the back for black passengers. The bus quickly filled up and when a white man boarded, the driver told the African American passengers to give up their seats for him. Whilst the other black passengers obeyed, Rosa did not. The result? Rosa was arrested by the police and fined for breaking segregation laws! But Rosa refused to pay, and argued that it was the law that was wrong, not her behaviour. On news of Rosa’s arrest, the black citizens of Montgomery came together and agreed to boycott the city’s buses in protest. The protesters stuck together and fought for their cause – and on 13 November 1956 their efforts were finally rewarded. After 381 days of boycotting the buses, the Supreme Court ruled that Alabama’s racial segregation laws were ‘unconstitutional’ – meaning they weren’t valid and should not be recognised. In light of such a wonderful victory, Rosa became known as “the mother of the civil rights movement”.

valesca08: pff, alguém responde

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Thatingz

Resposta: O que Rosa Parks fez?

Diante de tanto racismo, Rosa decidiu se posicionar pelo que era certo. Junto com seu marido Raymond, ela se juntou à National Association for the Advancement of Colou


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